In today's mix of retail and hospitality, self service is everywhere and it makes good sense to give the customer as many service options as possible.
Self service isn’t just about ordering a burger at a fast food store, it can be used to catalogue product in retail, act as an order taker in a private function room, handle customer check-in's at a hotel, handle customer waiver forms or work with fast food stores . POSimple is adaptable to make self service what you want or need.
POSimple has been created with the functionality to quickly and easily setup a self service kiosk avoiding the complexities of integrating 3rd party kiosk systems.
POSimple Kiosks also follow the same rules as any desktop or handheld POS terminal. and each Kiosk's layout, functionality and pricing can be contolled by the Kiosk's location and site via the backoffice.
Whilst POSimple has a range of different Kiosks available, each scenario may require different features, and Kiosks tend to be tailored solutions. For more information please contact us directly or your local reseller.
CASHimple - Cash Handling
Modern retail handles a high percetage of payments by Chip and Pin yet cash is still as popular as ever.
Whilst there are a number of large cash handling systems used in super markets and larger self checkouts The CASHimple system is an affordable device that will safely count, store and reuse its notes and coins to make cash handling much easier for staff.
Whether your business has issues with handling cash due to hygiene or to avoid staff errors, CASHimple can be added to any Kiosk or desktop POS solution.